gather with olamim

Playgroups in Spanish

Join us on a community farm or park for our fabulous family programs in Spanish. We build community, and offer a hands-on way to support language and culture with the whole family. Scroll down to view upcoming playgroups.

Community Events

There is so much to celebrate about who we are! We invite the larger Latinx Jewish and multicultural Jewish community for holiday programs, community events, and intergenerational retreats. Read below for upcoming events.

Chavurah FAmily GroupS

Looking for a group of families to call your extended family?

Join or create a Chavurah with our support and extended programs and resources. Email us to learn more!

“One of my greatest wishes for my children is that they will grow up being proud of who they are and where they come from. Mi Granjita created a special space where I could see that unfold for my daughter.“

Mónica Henestroza